Installing C-MAP Card Readers

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SOB can automatically use MAX, NT and NT+ cartridge based charts supplied by C-MAP. No special procedures are necessary to perform for SOB to use cartridge charts. Of course the correct Card Reader driver must be properly installed.

This section will help to ensure that the Card Reader is, in fact, correctly installed.

As at Jun 2005, the USBCC Card Reader driver is version 5.2
As at Dec 2005, the MM Card Reader driver is version 1.01

Available Card Readers and cartridge charts

Card Readers are available from your local C-MAP office for USB, Parallel, PCMCIA or PCI (internal hardware cards). 

  • USB MM Card Reader for MAX and NT+ cartridges
  • USBCC Card Reader for NT and NT+ and MAX cartridges
  • FP Reader for Furuno C-MAP cartridges

NOTE: No card reader is available for the CF85 chart cartridges.


The new MAX SD-Cards are an industry standard style - however, these cartridge charts CAN NOT BE USED in a regular card reader. The proprietary C-Map USB MM Card Reader (the "orange" one) is required to use these cartridges. Also note that the C-Map SD-cards can be read with a normal card reader, and the chart file can be copied (or deleted), however this chart file can't be used once copied (or deleted).

Driver Downloads from C-MAP 

C-MAP PC Planner Support Web Page:

C-MAP Cartridge Reader Drivers (downloads from our website):

[NEW]   Information about the new USB2 MMR Card Reader

C-Map has recently released a new version of its USBMM Card Reader (USB2), which at present is only fully compatible with PC Planner. This reader is easily identified as it has "Jeppesen" included in its logo.

We have interim support available for this reader via a patch which you must download and manually install.

Further Information

Apart from allowing chart cartridge access with the new USB2 MMR Card Reader in SOB, chart access will be significantly quicker resulting in faster chart refreshing - panning/zooming etc.

At this stage, UserCards are not supported with this patch. UserCard support will be included in the next SOB version.

Install Directions

  1. Download patch here:
    and save to a folder you can locate again (eg: Desktop or My Documents)
  2. Make sure SOB is not running.
  3. Rename the existing cmWin32.dll in the SOBvMAX folder (suggest name like "cmwin32.dll.old").

  4. Unzip the new downloaded file into SOBvMAX. This download will replace the original file.

  5. Restart SOB



See also:    |   Quick Start Manual Page   |   C-MAP Electronic Charts   |   C-MAP Charts Manual Page 


C-Map Cartridge Charts  
Essentially, any combination of cartridges (MAX or NT or NT+) and card readers (pictured) will work with SOB ...


SOB will work with:

  1. MAX and/or NT+ cards and/or UserCards in the USBCC.
  2. MAX and/or NT+ c-cards in the MM reader.
  3. MAX SD-cards in the MM reader.
  4. ... any of the above combinations (eg: Usercard and MAX c-card in the USBCC; and simultaneously with NT+ c-card and MAX SD-card in the MM reader).

NOTE Aug06: SOBvMAX.6.2 now supports UserCards in the USBMM Reader

Installing the MM reader driver:

No issues were found.

Updating the USBCC driver:

To update the V4.3 driver (NT+) to the V5.2 driver (MAX) the following steps are required:

  1. Install the V5.2 driver normally 
    (with this update, SOB will take 5 to 10 minutes to start, and to redraw the chart)
  2. Run the V4.3 driver install program 
    (SOB will now take 10 to 30 seconds to redraw the c-charts)
  3. Run the V5.2 driver install program again 
    (SOB will now redraw the charts quickly - only slightly slower than with the MM reader)

We appreciate that these steps sound strange, but interestingly after re-installing 4.3 (step 2), the driver is still listed as V5.2 (in Device Manager), we believe that this intermediary step helps to remove all traces of the older V4.3 driver??? 

As usual - SOB, PC Planner etc should not be running while installing the drivers. Some plugging and unplugging, and restarting SOB (or rebooting the PC) may be necessary to complete the installation. 

USB Multi-Media Card Reader

USBCC Card Reader

USBFP Card Reader


Checking the Card Reader Driver is Installed  
Open Device Manager...

Select System in Control Panel.

In Windows 95/98 select the Device Manager page. 
In Windows 2000/ME/XP, select the Hardware tab, then press the Device Manager button.

The C-Map USBCC Reader entry should appear under the Universal Serial Bus controllers heading.

Right-click the C-Map USBCC Reader entry and select Properties click the Driver tab to display the currently loaded version:

To check if multiple versions of the driver have been installed, check the Show hidden devices entry on the View menu. If several C-MAP USBCC entries appear, then use Method 2 (below) to completely remove all references to the Card Reader driver before installing a new driver.

Note the Smartkey USB entry in the example image. 
This is the driver for the C-MAP EUTRON dongle.


Uninstalling Current USBCC Driver


If SOB does not automatically display your cartridge-based charts on the screen, then one of the following reasons most likely applies:

  1. the Card Reader driver is not installed
  2. the driver is not correctly installed
  3. an old version of the driver is installed

It is important that the driver is installed correctly. Windows™ may have one or more incomplete driver installations hooked into the system. These must be completely removed before attempting to correctly install the latest Card Reader driver.

If, after following Method 1, SOB still can not "see" your cartridge charts, then we recommend using Method 2 to COMPLETELY remove all references to the USBCC Card Reader driver before attempting to install the latest version.

Method 1
  1. Open Device Manager (described above)
  2. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers entry (shown above)
  3. Right-click the C-Map USBCC Reader entry
  4. Select Uninstall... from the pop-up menu
  5. Confirm removal by pressing [ OK ] 

The C-Map USBCC Reader entry will disappear from the list in Device Manager.

Method 2 WinXP
(recommended method)
  1. Open Device Manager (described above)
  2. From the View menu, tick Show Hidden Devices
  3. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers entry

Right-click, in turn, ALL the C-Map USB... entries that appear in the list and select Uninstall... from the pop-up menu, confirm removal by pressing [OK]. Repeat this step for each C-Map card reader entry in the list.


Method 2 Win98/2000 (recommended method)

Use this method to COMPLETELY remove all traces of the currently installed driver.

This may be necessary if, when installing a new driver, Windows™ persists in re-installing the previous version. Or if a newer version of the driver has been installed without the older version completely removed. Or if any other set of circumstances could have corrupted the normal installation of the driver.

Step 1: Remove all references to the current driver

  • Open Control Panel
  • Select Add/Remove Hardware
  • Choose the second option: Uninstall/Unplug a device
    then press [ Next >]

  • Use the pre-selected option: Uninstall a device
    then press [ Next >]

  • Tick the Show Hidden devices checkbox
    scroll down until the USBCC entries are visible
  • Select a USBCC entry, and press [ Next >]

  • Confirm removal by checking Yes, and press [ Next >]


Check back to the Device Manager window, if an unknown device exists in the list (as pictured - USB Device with the yellow exclamation mark), then right-click the entry and select Uninstall from the pop-up menu.

Windows™ will probably now want to re-boot to complete the Un-installation.

*** Unplug the USBCC Card Reader before re-booting ***

Your are now ready to install the latest version of the USBCC Card Reader driver. 


Installing the Card Reader Driver


Leave the Card Reader unplugged until the driver installation asks you to connect it.

  • Download the correct driver for your Card Reader from the links at the top of this page
  • Extract the driver file from the downloaded ZIP file (download WinZip if you don't have an unzipping program)
  • Run the Driver installation program (eg: USBCCR40300_Setup.exe for the NT+ Card Reader)
  • Follow closely the instructions provided by the install wizard

Towards the end of the installation procedure, the Install Wizard will prompt you to plug the Card Reader into the computer's USB port. A series of possibly confusing message windows will appear as Windows™ attempts to "Plug and Play" the card reader. This is normal, just click the button to finish the wizard, and [OK] any other message boxes if required.

The installation is now complete. You can check that the Card Reader is installed and its version number from Device manager as described above 

No further steps are necessary for SOB to use the cartridge charts. Please email DigiBOAT Support if you are still experiences problems.


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